Data of last update:
Daily Update
Unless otherwise indicated, the data are final when first released
Unless otherwise indicated, the data are not seasonally adjusted

The data shown in this page correspond to the data described on the International Monetary Fund's Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board (DSBB). For a fuller explanation of the DSBB and the statistical standards to which Uruguay has committed, please click on DSBB home Page.
A detailed description on each data category can be found in the specific metadata base page posted on the DSBB. These metadata also may be reached by clicking on the data category's name listed in the first column.
To access Uruguay's detailed data, please click on link in last column of the table below.

[ Real Sector   [ Fiscal Sector | Financial Sector | External Sector | Population ]


SDDS Data Category 
and Components
Unit Description Observations Links to Uruguay's Data

Additional information

Period of Latest Data Latest
Data for
previous period
National Accounts  (a)

GDP at constant 2016 prices

Millions of uruguayan pesos (2016 prices)

Q2/24 478.648,45 450.005,23

National Accounts yearbook

Quarterly GDP

National Accounts Series

- Agriculture, Fishing and Mining

Millions of uruguayan pesos (2016 prices) Q2/24 33.680,32 26.600,67

- Manufacturing Industries

Millions of uruguayan pesos (2016 prices) Q2/24 45.984,5 39.823,76

- Electricity, Gas &  Water

Millions of uruguayan pesos (2016 prices) Q2/24 13.381,18 13.492,14

- Construction 

Millions of uruguayan pesos (2016 prices) Q2/24 19.897,42 18.275,37

- Commerce, Restaurants & Hotels 

Millions of uruguayan pesos (2016 prices) Q2/24 64.547,92 59.966,2

- Transport, Storage, Information and Communications 

Millions of uruguayan pesos (2016 prices) Q2/24 49.950,89 44.668,99

- Financial services

Millions of uruguayan pesos (2016 prices) Q2/24 26.350,19 26.169,97

- Professional activities and Leasing 

Millions of uruguayan pesos (2016 prices) Q2/24 37.613,93 35.622,83

- Public administration

Millions of uruguayan pesos (2016 prices) Q2/24 21.662,37 21.720,87

- Health, Education, Real estate activities and Other services (b)

Millions of uruguayan pesos (2016 prices) Q2/24 110.210,03 112.967,92

- Taxes less subsidies on products

Millions of uruguayan pesos (2016 prices) Q2/24 55.369,65 50.696,46
GDP deflactor index Index base 2016 = 100  Q2/24 166,55 168,97

- Agriculture, Fishing and Mining

Index base 2016 = 100 Q2/24 154,72 140,79

- Manufacturing Industries

Index base 2016 = 100  Q2/24 158,01 166,81

- Electricity, Gas &  Water

Index base 2016 = 100 Q2/24 134,98 143,34

- Construction 

Index base 2016 = 100  Q2/24 180,18 192,24

- Commerce, Restaurants & Hotels 

Index base 2016 = 100 Q2/24 182,73 174,72

- Transport, Storage, Information and Communications 

Index base 2016 = 100  Q2/24 148,99 144,64

- Financial services

Index base 2016 = 100  Q2/24 158,35 154,17

- Professional activities and Leasing

Index base 2016 = 100  Q2/24 170,08 168,52

- Public administration

Index base 2016 = 100  Q2/24 192,31 189,86

- Health, Education, Real estate activities and Other services (b)

Index base 2016 = 100 Q2/24 166,68 179,7

- Taxes less subsidies  on products

Index base 2016 = 100 Q2/24 171,69 173,63
Industrial Production Index

Base year 2006=100

Jul/24 113,6 110,18 Industrial Production Index: INE 
Labor Market 
Employment  % of labor force  Aug/24 59,1 58,8 Employment & Unemployment rate : INE
Unemployment   % of labor force Aug/24 8,4 8,3

uruguayan $

Jun/24 94.956 95.395 Household Income
Price Index
Consumer Prices Index (IPC)  base December 2010=100 Sep/24 109,17 108,76 CPI series: INE
Producer Prices Index (IPPN) base March 2010=100


287,03 285,19 PPI series: INE
SDDS Data Category 
and Components
Unit Description Observations Links to Uruguay's Data Additional information 
Period of Latest Data Latest
Data for
previous period
General Government Operations (a) (c)
Revenues Millions of uruguayan $


1.135.732 1.014.553

Fiscal Accounts
( Ministry of Economy and Finance)

Current Expenditure Millions of uruguayan $


1.152.503 1.050.394
Current Saving Millions of uruguayan $


-16.771,3 -35.841,3
Capital Expenditure Millions of uruguayan $


67.632 51.840
Total  Expenditure Millions of uruguayan $


1.203.364 1.102.234
Balance, Deficit (-)/ Surplus(+)  Millions of uruguayan $


-84.403 -87.682
Financing   Millions of uruguayan $


84.403 87.682


Millions of uruguayan $


71.220 62.689

-Treasury bills and bonds

Millions of uruguayan $


66.827 60.396

-Monetary Authority 

Millions of uruguayan $


5.695 -1.421

-Other domestic

Millions of uruguayan $


-1.302 3.714


Millions of uruguayan $


13.183 24.993

-Treasury bills and bonds

Millions of uruguayan $


-3.247 20.064

-International Loans

Millions of uruguayan $


10.130 19.170

-Other foreign

Millions of uruguayan $


6.301 -14.241
Central Government Operations   (a)


Millions of uruguayan $ ago/24 71.113 74.518

Fiscal Accounts  ( Ministry of Economy and Finance)



Millions of uruguayan $ ago/24 78.911 79.762
Net operating Balance Millions of uruguayan $ ago/24 -7.798 -5.244

Gross investment in non financial assets

Millions of uruguayan $ ago/24 3.405 3.489
Net lending (+)/Net Borrowing(-) Millions of uruguayan $ ago/24 -11.203 -8.733
Net acquisition of financial assets Millions of uruguayan $ jun/24 -23.612 63.362

Central Government Operations (Financing) (xls version)


Domestic debtors

Millions of uruguayan $ jun/24 -23.325 63.227

External debtors

Millions of uruguayan $ jun/24 -287 135
Net incurrence of liabilities Millions of uruguayan $ jun/24 -3.100 64.570

Domestic creditors

Millions of uruguayan $ jun/24 -107 29.100

External creditors

Millions of uruguayan $ jun/24 -2.993 35.470
Overall statistical discrepancy Millions of uruguayan $ jun/24 -169 532
Central Government Debt  (a)
Total Public Sector Gross Debt 

Millions of US dollars

Q2/24 56.074 56.338
Global Public Sector Debt
(pdf version)

Global Public Sector Debt
(xls version)  

By Levels of Administration

Central Government

Millions of US dollars Q2/24 44.280 43.946

Other Non Financial Public Sector

Millions of US dollars Q2/24 2.255 2.255

Central Bank

Millions of US dollars Q2/24 9.413 10.002

By Creditor

Official Creditors

Millions of US dollars Q2/24 7.426 7.194

Private Creditors

Millions of US dollars Q2/24 47.815 48.269


Millions of US dollars Q2/24 833 876

By Instruments


Millions of US dollars Q2/24 45.735 46.197


Millions of US dollars Q2/24 7.686 7.278

Net Deposits

Millions of US dollars Q2/24 1.318 1.525


Millions of US dollars Q2/24 1.063 1.111

By Original Maturity

Short term

Millions of US dollars Q2/24 6.544 6.966

Medium / long term

Millions of US dollars Q2/24 49.529 49.372

By Residual Maturity

Short term

Millions of US dollars Q2/24 10.483 10.879

Medium / long term

Millions of US dollars Q2/24 45.590 45.459

By Currency

Uruguayan Pesos

Millions of US dollars Q2/24 33.041 33.439

US Dollars

Millions of US dollars Q2/24 20.318 20.345


Millions of US dollars Q2/24 2.715 2.554

By Residence


Millions of US dollars Q2/24 31.280 31.857

Non residents 

Millions of US dollars Q2/24 24.794 24.481

By Type of Interest rate

Fixed rate

Millions of US dollars Q2/24 47.771 47.964

Floating rate

Millions of US dollars Q2/24 6.985 6.849


Millions of US dollars Q2/24 1.318 1.525

Gross and Net Debt

Public Assets

Millions of US dollars Q2/24 -23.593 -22.745

Net Public Debt

Millions of US dollars Q2/24 32.481 33.593

Debt guaranteed by the central government

Millions of US dollars Q2/24 11.832 12.232


SDDS Data Category 
and Components
Unit Description Observations Links to Uruguay's Data Additional information 
Period of Latest Data Latest
Data for
previous period
Analytical Accounts of the Banking Sector 
Monetary Aggregates (a)

Financial System Monetary Balances.

Main Monetary Aggregates.


Millions of uruguayan $ Ago/24 236.510 236.166


Millions of uruguayan $ Ago/24 396.866 394.298


Millions  of uruguayan $ Ago/24 568.511 566.004


Millions of uruguayan $ Ago/24 580.193 577.703

Deposits in foreign currency (residents)

Millions of US dollars Ago/24 27.456 27.109


Millions of uruguayan $ Ago/24 1.669.473 1.669.473
Financial System Monetary Balances (a) (c)

Net external assets

Millions of uruguayan $ Ago/24 1.145.033 1.166.721

Net domestic credit (NDC)

Millions  of uruguayan $ Ago/24 841.908 798.471

-Net credit to non financial public sector

Millions of uruguayan $ Ago/24 271.919 251.312

-Net credit to private sector

Millions of uruguayan $ Ago/24 916.661 906.299

-Monetary Regulation Bills

Millions of uruguayan $ Ago/24 -236.548 -235.720

-Other net accounts

Millions of uruguayan $ Ago/24 -110.125 -123.421
Share and other equity Millions  of uruguayan $ Ago/24 299.301 295.718

Monetary liabilities

Millions  of uruguayan $ Ago/24 1.687.639 1.669.473

-Liquid liabilities

Millions of uruguayan $ Ago/24 396.866 394.298

-Deposits in local currency

Millions  of uruguayan $ Ago/24 183.327 183.405

-Deposits in foreign currency

Millions  of uruguayan $ Ago/24 1.094.846 1.094.846
Analytical Accounts of the Central Bank  (a)
External Position Millions of uruguayan $ Set-24 788.456 712.075

Analytical Accounts of the Central Bank

Reserve assets series
(Daily in Millions 
of US dollars)

Reserve assets Millions of uruguayan $ Set-24 784.497 711.997
Other net assets with non residents Millions of US dollars Set-24 3.959 78
Net domestic credit Millions of uruguayan $ Set-24 -580.550 -525.546

Net credit to non financial public sector

Millions of uruguayan $ Set-24 130.671 178.753

Net credit to financial system

Millions of uruguayan $ Set-24 -347.376 -333.426

Net credit to non financial private sector

Millions of uruguayan $ Set-24 1.077 1.047

Other net accounts

Millions of uruguayan $ Set-24 -364.924 -371.921
Shares and other equity Millions of uruguayan $ Set-24 57.063 43.210
Monetary base  Millions of uruguayan $ Set-24 150.843 143.319
Position in Foreing Currency  Millions of US dollars Set-24 9.673 9.599

External position in foreign currency

Millions of US dollars Set-24 19.030 17.852

Reserve assets

Millions of US dollars Set-24 18.840 17.652

Other net assets with non residents

Millions of US dollars Set-24 190 200

Net assets with residents

Millions of US dollars Set-24 -9.357 -8.252
Interest rates  
Banco Central Call Rates  percentage

Daily call
 interest rate



Auctioned Central Bank Bills percentage

Daily Auctioned 
Central Bank Bills 

Interbank rates percentage


Daily interbank
 interest rate



SDDS Data Category 
and Components
Unit Description Observations Links to Uruguay's Data Additional information 
Period of Latest Data Latest
Data for
previous period
Balance of Payments  (a)
Current account US dollars millions Q2/24 51 -236

Balance of Payments


Trade Balance

US dollars millions Q2/24 1.276 1.243

-Exports of goods(FOB) and services

US dollars millions Q2/24 5.976 5.695

-Imports of goods(FOB) and services

US dollars millions Q2/24 4.700 4.452

Net income  

US dollars millions Q2/24 -1.267 -1.532

Net current transfers

US dollars millions Q2/24 43 53
Capital account US dollars millions Q2/24
Financial  account US dollars millions Q2/24 464 916

Direct investment

US dollars millions Q2/24 69 2.046

Portfolio investment

US dollars millions Q2/24 -1.043 -1.356

Other Investments

US dollars millions Q2/24 2 -224
Reserves US dollars millions Q2/24 1.436 450
Errors and Omissions US dollars millions Q2/24 413 1.152
International Investment Position (a)
International Investment Position
US dollars millions
Q2/24 -13.557 -15.270

International Investment Position


Total assets

US dollars millions
Q2/24 79.215 79.109

Total liabilities

US dollars millions
Q2/24 92.772 94.380
International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity (a)
International Reserves (Stock) 
Gross Reserves (Stock, end of period) (d)

US dollars millions

Set-24 18.840 17.652

Reserve assets series

Data Template on International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity
US dollars millions
Ago-24 17.652 17.493

  Data Template on International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity

Foreign Currency Reserves

US dollars millions
Ago-24 16.662 16.512

IMF reserve position

US dollars millions
Ago-24 152 151


US dollars millions
Ago-24 849 843


US dollars millions
Ago-24 8 8

Other reserve assets

US dollars millions
Ago-24 -19,48 -21,58
Merchandise Trade  (a)
Balance (FOB) Thousands of US dollars Ago-24 42.435 48.329

International trade of goods

Imports of goods

MT Balance Series

Exports (FOB)

Thousands of US dollars Ago-24 1.071.161 1.026.874

Imports (FOB)

Thousands of US dollars Ago-24 1.028.727 978.545
External Debt  (a)
Gross External Debt (GED) US dollars millions Q2/24 47.395 48.739

Uruguay's External Debt

World Bank Group

Short term GED

US dollars millions Q2/24 8.763 8.962

Medium / long term GED

US dollars millions Q2/24 38.632 39.777

GED in US dollars

US dollars millions Q2/24 39.315 40.974

GED in Yens

US dollars millions Q2/24 1.117 948

GED in Euros

US dollars millions Q2/24 60 64

GED in other currencie s

US dollars millions Q2/24 6.903 6.753
Spot Exchange Rates  
US dollar $ / US$ 

Daily exchange rates

Average exchange rates

Argentinian peso  $ / Argentinian $
Brazilian real 
$ / real


SDDS Data Category 
and Components
Unit Description Observations Links to Uruguay's Data Additional information
Period of Latest Data Latest
Data for
previous period
National Population  (a)
Aug/24 8,4 8,3

General Data

Population estimations



(a) Preliminary Data

(b) Include public and private Health; public and private Education; Other community, social and personal service activities and Private households with employed persons.
(c) Timeliness Notes: Uruguay is taking a flexibility option for the timeliness
(d) The hiperlink provides access to Uruguay's International Reserves on a daily basis.

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