1.- General System of Request for Access to Public Information (E-Access)
The Central Bank of Uruguay joined the electronic processing project of request for access to public information (E-Access), created by AGESIC through the Unit for Access to Public Information (UAIP in Spanish), an information technology tool that allows centralizing and monitoring the requests for access to public information that are submitted to any public body.
The system seeks to enable people to submit their requests online and empower the supervisory body to obtain information on the compliance status of all regulated and reporting bodies.
Brief description of the scope of the project
The system has the following functionalities:
• People can submit requests online. There is no need to go to the institution.
• The interested parties can register and monitor their requests for access directly.
• requests for access to public information are submitted through a centralized portal.
• Request management and closing is done by regulated and reporting bodies.
• Management of reports required by the Unit of Access to Public Information (UAIP in Spanish) and access to information on indicators and statistics.
For more information visit - System of Access to Public Information or System of requests for access to public information
2.- Requests submitted in hard copy
Persons may choose to submit their requests in hard copy or forms.
Follow these steps to submit a request using the form available on the website:
1 - Complete the form “Request for Access to Public Information”
2 – The request must include all applicant data: name or business name, identity document or RUT (taxpayer number) and address, and must be submitted with an autograph signature (including the printed name) or digital (as established in article 36 of the Administrative Regulations of the Central Bank). If it is a legal entity, those who sign must prove that their signature is representative of the business, in accordance with art. 44 of the aforementioned Regulation (access full text of the Regulation).
In all cases, requests will be included in the new electronic processing system (E-Access) and processed in accordance with the mechanisms established for this purpose."
Before submitting a request for access to public information, it is suggested that the requestor does the following:
1 -Check the public information that is available through the BCU´s website, and specifically review the table of published information provided in compliance with public information norms (in Spanish)
2 - Review the Board of Directors Resolution (RD 46/2016) that identifies information that is deemed reserved or confidential.
Names of responsible BCU staff members according to Decree 232/010 (in Spanish)