Board of Directors

The Board of Directors of the Central Bank of Uruguay is composed of three members appointed in accordance with article 187 of the Constitution of the Republic.  The Directors are selected based on their personal and professional background and expertise to ensure independence of criteria, efficiency, objectivity and impartiality in their performance.

Diego Labat - Governor​

Alberto Graña

Holds Economics (1996) and Accounting (1993) degrees from the School of Economic Sciences, University of the Republic, with Master's degree studies in International Economics (2005) from the School of Social Sciences of the University of the Republic, (thesis pending)

Served as Director of ANCAP, state owned oil company, from 2015 to 2020, and has been a member of the  boards of several subsidiaries.

He has been on the faculty of the University of the Republic and private universities for more than 20 years, and has vast experience in the financial system having worked in prestigious international banks in the country and abroad.

In 2012, he was appointed Financial Director of Banco Santander and a member of the Bank's Management Committee. Previously,  since 2001 he was the General Accountant and Head of  Financial Information of ABN AMRO Uruguay, where as a member and representative of the management team he was also a member of the Commission of Accountants of the Uruguayan Association of Banks.

He became President of the Board of the Central Bank of Uruguay on March, 2020.​

Mr Labat was recognized by the british magazine The Banker as “Central Banker of the Year 2023 for the Americas".​​

Wahington Ribeiro – Governor​

Jorge Gamarra Graduated in Economics from the School of Economic Sciences, University of the Republic in 1999.

Independent Consultant in the preparation of reports on the national and regional economic situation, as well as the preparation and assessment of investment projects.

Secretary and Member of the Council of the Wilson Ferreira Aldunate Foundation for Democracy until March 2010.

Served as Director of the Central Bank of Uruguay between 2010 and 2020.

He was appointed Vice President of the Board of the Central Bank of Uruguay on April 24, 2020.​​

Ignacio Berti​ - Director

Washington RibeiroDoctor of Law and Social Sciences (2001) graduated from the School of Law, University of the Republic.

He has held various government positions from 2010 to date as board member of ANCAP, National Port Administration (ANP), First Uruguayan Air Navigation Lines (PLUNA), Banco de la República Oriental del Uruguay (BROU), and the State Health Services Administration (ASSE). He has been a representative of the State and comptroller in companies of public-private law, and coordinated and led the team of lawyers defending the State (MEF, MTOP, PEA) in relevant judicial and bankruptcy processes in the country and abroad (Argentina, Brazil, Chile , Paraguay).

He has been on the faculty of Universidad de la Empresa (since 2009) teaching Constitutional Law, and Public Law at the Universidad de la República (from 2017 to date). He also attended and has been a speaker at several national and international seminars and conferences. 

He has held various technical positions (lawyer at Banco de Seguros del Estado according to Uruguayan law "en  reserva  del  cargo"; member of the Audit Committee of ANCAP; Head of the Court of Appeals of the Uruguayan Federation of Basketball, among others). He has worked as a lawyer and commercial and legal advisor in law firms (since 1992) and in different private sector businesses.

He was appointed Director of the Board of the Central Bank of Uruguay on April 24, 2020.