Concerns and Allegations of Bribery

The Central Bank of Uruguay prohibits any act of bribery, in strict compliance with the laws in force to combat and investigate such activities. This commitment is included in the Anti-Bribery Policy, whose scope of application includes the personnel of the Central Bank of Uruguay, understood as any person who performs a function or provides a service to the institution, regardless of the legal nature of the relationship with the Bank, as well as strategic allies for the achievement of the objectives, and other interested parties with whom the institution interacts directly or indirectly.

The Institution has established this direct channel for concerns and allegations, which allows anonymity at all times, through which it will receive, analyze and resolve them, guaranteeing confidentiality and protection of the person making the allegation.

Concerns and Allegations form

The Central Bank of Uruguay provides this form for the public to submit concerns and allegations about suspected acts of bribery. Click here to access the form

Concerns and Allegations Channel

This channel is available to the public to notify those responsible in the Central Bank of Uruguay for handling concerns and allegations about the suspicion of possible involvement of a member of the organization in an act of bribery.

Definition of Bribery

Bribery is the offer, promise, giving, acceptance or solicitation of any undue advantage of any value (which may be of a financial or non-financial nature), directly or indirectly and regardless of its location, in violation of applicable law, to induce or reward any person to act or refrain from acting in connection with the performance of that person's duties.

Confidentiality of Concerns and Allegations

All concerns and allegations will be treated in the strictest confidence and all information relating thereto will be treated in the same manner.

What should the allegation contain?

It is important that the allegation be formulated with the utmost clarity, providing precise and circumstantial data, if available, and even supporting documentation.

It is expected to include:

  • A description of the facts that would give rise to an act of bribery, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable Anti-Bribery Policy, with as much detail as possible, for example: when and where they occurred, who may have been involved and, in addition, if possible, an estimate of the financial amounts involved (if any) and evidence supporting the facts reported.

  • Who else might have information about it.

What are the next steps after filing an allegation?

The concern or allegation will be reviewed by the person who performs the Anti-Bribery Compliance Function, unless the accused is part of the Anti-Bribery Compliance Department, in which case the General Secretariat will be responsible for the Anti-Bribery Compliance Function. The person making the allegation will be notified of the decision.

Whistleblower Protection

In the event of an allegation, whistleblower protection will be provided in accordance with the “Anti-Bribery Policy” and the “Procedure for Reporting Corruption and/or Prohibited Practices and Whistleblower Protection”.

Allegation follow-up

Once the allegation has been filed, the system will assign an inquiry code so that the person can follow up on their inquiry without having to identify themselves.

If the person voluntarily registers a contact email address, follow-up information will be sent by email.

If the investigation is unable to obtain valid and sufficient information to verify the reported event, the person may be asked to provide additional evidence. In this case, if the additional information is not received after 5 working days, the investigation will be closed, and if the will to denounce persists, the procedure must be restarted by initiating a new allegation and submitting the requested information.

Record Keeping

The records contained in processing documents corresponding to the concerns and allegations channel will be kept for a minimum period of four years from the date of the corresponding allegation or concern.

Assistance in Completing the Concerns and Allegations Form

If you need assistance in completing the concerns and allegations form, please contact us at,and we will be happy to help you.

Watch the video: How do I initiate the online Allegations and Concerns Channel process providing my personally identifiable information?
Watch the video: How do I anonymously initiate the online Allegations and Concerns Channel process?