Strategic Framework
This document provides a number of definitions regarding the scope of the Superintendency of Financial Services' operation in the functions assigned by law.
The SFS is entrusted with the regulation and supervision of the financial system with a comprehensive and consistent vision, which includes a diverse group of entities. For this, the document gives several definitions that establish a strategic roadmap on how the SFS fulfills the legal mandate and objectives in its role as supervisor and regulator of the financial system.
The strategic framework includes a definition of the objectives of the SFS, among which are: promote stability and solvency of the system (in a manner consistent with the objectives of the financial safety net that includes the Bank Savings Protection Corporation and the Central Bank in its role as lender of last resort), protect users of financial services, promote the proper functioning of the financial markets and protect the system from illegal activities. The main guidelines on courses of action and regulatory and supervisory tools to be used by the SFS are established for each of them.
There is also a description of the functions and tasks of the SFS in a renewed commitment to the transparency and disclosure policy maintained by the supervisory and regulatory body of the financial system.
Includes information on the tasks of the Superintendency of Financial Services (SFF) - promotes the stability and solvency of the financial system, protects financial services customers, promotes transparency and orderly and competitive operation of supervised entities and financial markets, and prevents and controls money laundering and the financing of terrorism, describing in a general way how the SFF complies with the above. There is also a description of the SFF's functions, objectives and guidelines for fulfilling its roles.
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